A Parish Plan is a record of the features that contribute to the character of a village and an action plan for what local people feel should be preserved or changed in the future. Local Government at Parish, District and County level is committed to taking into account the needs and concerns of local residents when planning and formulating policy. Parish plans are seen as one tool by which local people can participate in and influence this process.
The Woodchester Parish Plan was originally completed in 2005 but it now needs to be updated to ensure it reflects the community’s aspirations and needs. The Parish Council has moved forward over 80% of the actions from the original plan but, as the external environment has changed a good deal since 2005 (especially in the last six months when the impact of government spending cuts on County and District Councils have become clearer) it is now time to revise the plan.
Please visit http://woodchesterparish.org.uk/community/about/parish-plan for full details of the existing plan and associated action plan.
To help us ensure the Plan reflects your aspirations and needs, and the chance to win a Kindle or a £100 cash prize, please give us your comments and hand into Woodchester Endowed School, St Dominic’s or the Post Office by 14th October. Don’t forget to include your name and a contact number/email address if you want to be included in the draw which will be held on Thursday 3rd November at the Parish Council meeting.
For an entry form please click on the attached link:
Resident comment form