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Spring Edition of the Woodchester Word
The Spring Edition of the Woodchester Word will be coming through letter boxes soon. It is also available at Woodchester Village Shop and on the website here
Fraud Alert from Gloucestershire Constabulary
01453 telephone numbers are currently being targeted by fraudsters purporting to be the police. Four incidents were recorded by Gloucestershire police yesterday involving a fraudster who had telephoned local residents purporting to be “PC Thomas Daniels from Paddington Police Station”.…
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service Survey
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) sets out plans to make Gloucestershire safer over the next three years and identifies the greatest risks to the people and communities of Gloucestershire. You can have your say here
Vacancy at Woodchester Endowed School
The Governing Body of Woodchester Endowed Primary School is seeking to appoint a dedicated and enthusiastic Clerk to Governors. The deadline for applications is Monday the 30th of November. Please click here for more information.
Gloucestershire Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment
Gloucestershire County Council is currently re-assessing the availability of pharmaceutical services across Gloucestershire. As part of this work, they are keen to hear the views of Gloucestershire residents and have developed a short questionnaire to help gather feedback from anyone…