We are so fortunate to have the village hall in our village. It is a venue used by a wide variety of groups and individuals from dancing to W.I.; from art groups to Parish Council meetings; from craft events to political (in all senses of the word) meetings. Since the recovery of near- normality after the pandemic hit us and when everything was in lockdown, the regular users are back although some groups have experienced a slow return to pre-pandemic numbers attending their activities. Most regular bookings are on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays which means that most Thursdays and Fridays, as well as the weekends are available for villagers (and people not living in Woodchester too) to book and use the hall. It is an exceptionally well maintained and well resourced facility, with an excellent kitchen, and plenty of tables and chairs appropriate for all types of events – let’s use it to its full potential. Rental for regular users+ is £6.50 an hour, increasing to £7.00 an hour in April 2022 or £10.50 an hour, increasing in April to £11.50, (both increases required to help cover the increased gas and electricity charges.)
Booking Secretary is Rod on 872317 or 0777 565 2379.
The Village Hall is protected at the request of Health and Safety and Insurance cover, by dusk to dawn security lighting. The 3 low energy security lights burn less than 100watts and are positioned to light downwards.