There are grants of up to £500 available from the Rotary Club for community projects. The deadline to apply is 17th April. More information here
Gloucestershire Rural Community Council Food Survey
This survey has been put together on behalf of a project ‘Gloucestershire Food Revolution’(GFR), which comprises a number of countywide partners working together to help develop and promote local food, support farmers and improve environmental practices, with a view to…
Woodchester Annual Parish Meeting
Woodchester Annual Parish Meeting takes place on Tuesday 21st May at 7pm in the Village Hall. There will be a short presentation on the Rooksmoor Mills development and an update on the work to improve traffic safety in the village.…
Fastershire and Gigaclear
Fastershire and Gigaclear are hosting a community meeting to explain the rollout of ultrafast fibre broadband in the Woodchester, Hampton Fields and Walls Quarry areas. This event is open to all properties benefiting from Fastershire’s phase 2 rollout with Gigaclear…
Theft in the Village
A resident in the village had their shed broken into at the weekend; bikes and gardening equipment were stolen. The Police have been informed, but please be vigilant.
European Parliamentary Election
Please click here for the Notice of the European Parliamentary Election due to be held on the 23rd May, 2019