Should you have any further queries regarding this closure, please contact the Gloucestershire Highways helpline 08000 514 514.
Road Closures – Ash Dieback Project
Road Works Notice
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE51420 CHURCH LANE (WOODCHESTER PARISH)STROUD DISTRICTGloucestershire County Council intend to make an order under the RoadTraffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended) to temporarily close part of the51420 Church Lane outside the Electricity Sub Station for a total distance…
Pond Creation at Boundary Court Farm
Work is currently taking place to create 2 small ponds/scrapes at Boundary court Farm. The work could take between 5 – 10 days (no disruption to footpaths) but will involve excavators to dig out the ponds. This work has been…
Highways Bulletin
Road Closure; South Woodchester
The High Street, South Woodchester, will be closed from 19th October 2022 to 21st October 2022 at the top of Station Road. This is to allow for works on behalf of Severn Trent Water. For map of location please click here.