Got a pet project?

Woodchester Parish Council is in the process of prioritising and costing various projects that are wanted in the village. This ranges from recreational areas and traffic problems to environmental issues and cyberspace. The Council itself does not have money and is only able to raise money through the precept which is paid by your Council Tax. If a project is to be funded by the Parish Council, it has to be for benefit of the majority of those that pay for it through their Council Tax. This is obviously a limiting factor since although we may have grand ideas not every parishioner will be willing to pay for them. However the Council has access to funds that become available from a variety of outside sources. They can act as a facilitator in applying and administrating these funds. However the Council needs to be aware of what is wanted in the village. The Parish Plan was the first step in asking this question and the Parish Council are endeavouring to action as many of these requests when finance and manpower becomes available. If you have any ideas and suggestions as to what you would like to see in the village tell the Clerk to the Parish Council so that he can add your wish to the list and we can look for appropriate finance. 

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