In line with local government guidance on responding to local emergencies, Woodchester Parish Council has recently updated its Emergency Plan, now available on the Parish website here
Thankfully we have not had to activate the plan as yet but it is as well to be prepared or unforeseen emergencies which may occur at any time. While the prime responsibility for activating the plan lies with Parish Council, we can only ensure the continuing safety of our residents with the support of the local community.
If you feel you have the necessary skills to assist the Parish Council in carrying out the provisions of the plan, please contact Cllr Katharine McNealey on so we can include your name on our data base. The sort of skills we’re looking for would be to provide transport – especially for our aged or disabled residents, to assist with going door to door to alert residents to the emergency those who have first aid or paramedical skills and those who could provide specialist equipment to deal with specific issues -provision of blankets, mattresses, food and water for example .
We should emphasise that the data you provide will remain confidential to the members of the Emergency response team and not be released without the individuals permission.